What Types of Health Insurance Do You Accept?
What Is Your New Patient Procedure?
We have paperwork located under the “new patient paperwork” tab that is accessible from the comfort of your home! You can print it, fill it out and bring it with you at your first appointment. If you don’t have access to a printer don’t worry, you can fill it out in our office when you come in. Once the new patient paperwork is complete, you’ll have a consultation with Edmond, OK., you’ll complete a range-of-motion exam to determine what you can and cannot do, we’ll take some x-rays, and lastly you’ll get your first adjustment with Dr. Ryan. If you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact us, we’ll be happy to help.
We have paperwork located under the “new patient paperwork” tab that is accessible from the comfort of your home! You can print it, fill it out and bring it with you at your first appointment. If you don’t have access to a printer don’t worry, you can fill it out in our office when you come in. Once the new patient paperwork is complete, you’ll have a consultation with Dr. Ryan, you’ll complete a range-of-motion exam to determine what you can and cannot do, we’ll take some x-rays, and lastly you’ll get your first adjustment with Dr. Ryan. If you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact us, we’ll be happy to help.
Do I Need A Doctor’s Referral?
You do not need a doctors referral to get started with us. Our team of professionals will help you determine what the root of your problem is by taking some x-rays, doing a range-of-motion exam, and a consultation with Edmond, OK. We’ll then create a treatment plan just for you that will help you get better and healthier overall.
You do not need a doctors referral to get started with us. Our team of professionals will help you determine what the root of your problem is by taking some x-rays, doing a range-of-motion exam, and a consultation with Dr. Ryan. We’ll then create a treatment plan just for you that will help you get better and healthier overall.